Translucent/Opaque Deco Collar for 1" Iolite Reflectors

Translucent decorative collars fill the aperture with the specified color while producing white general downlighting. Collars are available in different lengths. Use to add interest, create a theme, match a theme or define a space.

Opaque decorative collars reduce aperture brightness while preserving light output.

Depth: 5/8″, 3/4″, 1″

Translucent Finish: Blue, Frosted, Amber, Red

Opaque Finish: Black, Matte Powder White, White

Compatible Fixtures:
NIO-1: 1″ Iolite NTF Reflectors
NIOB-1: 1″ Iolite BWF Reflectors


Additional information

Aperture Size